Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Tumult of Sleep

The act of falling asleep is tumultuous for me.
My mind is spinning faster than the speed of light, idea whirling to and fro.
As I close my eyes, scenes of the past days and dreams of the future play out on the back of my eyelids.
I toss and turn and flip and maneuver in my cushion lined prison.
How could comfort become so torturous?
My mother used to tell me "be still, close your eyes, go to sleep" when I was tiny and restless.
Oh how I wish it were that easy.
As I chant "Sleep.  Sleep.  Sleep." in my mind, I feel my consciousness begin to quake.
It starts as a low rumble, disrupting the flow of thought and making me yawn.
Before long, it is a full blown earthquake, sending pieces of reality shattering into a vast and empty darkness.
And only after several minutes of explosion, does my consciousness give in completely, surrendering me to the bottomless pit of sleep.

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