Sunday, October 26, 2014

On Her Bones

He could see right through her.
He could read her like an x-ray, like her insecurities and secrets were scribbled on her bones.
He was terrifying.
He never backed down and his boldness was unnerving, making her quiver where she stood.
She was a challenge and he was ready to win.
But as scared as she was, she was also intrigued.
His determination a beacon for her fragile mind.
She considered herself strong, but he... well he was just plain fearless.
When she iced him out, time and time again, he simply taunted her to come play in the snow flurries her attitude created.
When she opened up, he pried and pried until she snapped shut once again, just like that.
He blatantly named her fears, her worries, and her secrets, demanding she acknowledge them.
But for as much fear as his brashness instilled, she was drawn.
And when she decided to choose him, to give into the terror and take a ridiculous chance, she fell into him all at once, not an ounce of her being remaining her own.

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