Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Like We're Dying

There's a song by Tim McGraw called Live Like You Were Dying.
Its a great song musically but I love the lyrics more, they really make a point.

The song is about this guy who finds out he's dying (obviously) and then he goes and does all these really great things, taking advantage of the time he has left.  He goes skydiving, climbs mountains, rides a bull, changes the way he loves and the way he speaks.  He makes over his whole life in light of his diagnosis.  But my question to you is, what would you do if you knew how long you had left?

I think we all want to say that we'd do what he did, we'd take risks and do crazy things and admit our love for people and be kinder.  I think we'd all like to say that we would just come to life in a new way and totally demolish our last days with fun. But would we? 

Or would we sit around and mope?  Would we start saying goodbye?  Would we cry and beg God for more time? Would we do everything in our power to avoid that inevitable day?  Unfortunately, I think we would. 

As life would have it, none of us know when God will call us home.  I think that is the most generous thing ever.  Because without an impending date of doom, we have the chance to live like we're dying every single day.  Why wait until the last second?  Why live bored and sad and then jump on the party train right before it's too late?  Why not live a life worth living?  Why not jump out of a plane?  Why not declare your love for someone?  Why not go ahead and sweeten up your words and be genuinely good to people around you? Do crazy stuff, do the things you've always wanted to.  Kiss a stranger at midnight on New Years.  Travel.  Don't live in a protected bubble, waiting till the last minute to live, because what if your last minute comes before you think it will? 

We don't know how long we have, and we can't control it, but we can make sure that we live a life full of memories not full of "I wish I had"s.  We can look back with no regrets, all we have to do is make the choice today to live the way we want to remember living.

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