Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Soapbox Talk

Very few things in this world get me riled up enough to need a soapbox. But animals are one of those few things. I think, as an entire race, human beings are arrogant. We think we know so much. We think we can fix everything. And that irritates the living daylights out of me.
I was watching Nemo the other day (like the mature young adult I am), and it really got me thinking.
Assuming we're all familiar with the movie, lets get to the Dentist who takes Nemo from his home. This guy really gets on my nerves. One of his lines is "caught this little guy struggling by the reef" and I think the guy genuinely believes he's helping the fish. But he isn't. He was just fine. He wasn't struggling at all. He panicked because the diver got in his face and freaked him out, but he was perfectly fine in the habitat God placed him in.
Humans like to think we're being helpful when we "rescue" animals but can we call Nemo "safe"? He was going to be given to that demented little girl for goodness sake! Nemo was in no way safer in the aquarium than in the ocean. Speaking of the aquarium, have we noticed that every fish in that tank had an issue? One actually believed her reflection to be another fish that was just always in her way. That isn't natural. That cute yellow one was obsessed with bubbles, probably because they were the only thing that changed or moved freely. The one with the scar, the mentor fish, the best one ever, had given up. He was depressed. He was content to just live, unmoving until he finally died. That's the saddest thing of all.
These fish spent the entire movie trying to get AWAY for the man that had so valiantly "rescued" them. How can we even call that a life?
The fact of the matter is, animals we find in the wild are meant to stay there. They are meant to thrive and fight and survive in their own habitat. Not in a cage or an enclosure. (Don't even get me started on Zoos). If you want to study them, study them in the wild, watch and observe but for Pete's sake, leave them be!
What you might see as "saving" or "rescuing" could be detrimental mentally and emotionally for these poor creatures. Tigers aren't house cats. Lions aren't meant to be in an 80X80 square with a screen for a roof. Sea creatures are SEA creatures, not tiny glass box full of stale water creatures. We have to leave them alone and stop trying to assume we know what's best for them.
Im all for rescuing the sick or hurt and healing them but RELEASE is the next step. Don't catch them and lock them up. Animals don't have a voice but we do, we can be their voice.

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