Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I Live To Blow Your Mind

Writing is not an occupation for the faint hearted. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I think to myself I cant do this, there is no way im doing this.  Its an occupation full of self doubt.  Im constantly pondering if I can even call myself a writer.  The days are always different.  You have days where you love every single solitary word that drips off your pen and other days you hate every word that comes to mind.  Its emotionally exhausting.  You're constantly at war with yourself, changing and editing and deleting and rewriting.  But for all the bad days, I wouldn't trade it for anything.  It honestly has to be more than a hobby, more than a pastime, it has to be a passion if you want to make it a career.  Its terrifying and difficult and emotional but this is who I am. 
I've written several times on how im seeing life differently and this area is no exception.  I feel more confident than ever.  I still have bad days but even in the bad days I have a little voice in my head saying "it gets better, you can do this."  I have no interest in people who think writing isn't a valid career.  Tell that to C.S. Lewis or Chaucer or Shakespeare or Alexander Pope.  Writing may be unusual, but it is in no way invalid.  So watch me climb to the top while you stare with disbelief.  I live to blow your mind.

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