Monday, January 12, 2015

That Precious Chain

It amazed me, how hard it was to throw that necklace in the trash.  It brought me to tears.  It was like the final act that declared our broken relationship unsalvageable.  It hurt so bad.

I remember when you gave it to me for my birthday some, eight years ago.  I loved it.  I was over the moon.  It was my two favorite colors.  Blue and green.  It was perfect.
You were a month late giving it to me, and the wrapping was a testament to how long it sat, wrapped and ready on your kitchen table.  But you could have been a year late and I would have loved it the same, maybe more.
It was one of my favorite gifts.  That silly beaded necklace.  On that silly wire.  With that silly stone.  I bought things for the sole purpose of matching that necklace so I could wear it more often.

Man how times have changed.  After that text, after all that time, I kept it.  Locked in my jewelry cabinet, tucked away for safe keeping. Three years passed and I kept it.  And when I thought things were going to change, I moved it to the front of the jewelry box.  I just knew, deep down I would wear it again.  I just knew we would work it out.  But we never did.  And after dust had discolored the little resin beads, I moved it to the back again.  But I never threw it away.
I thought I'd be able to wear it.  That I could look at it as just a piece of jewelry, without all the memories and sentiment.
I was so wrong.
A hundred times I pulled it out, clasped the lock, and stared with teary eyes at the jewels in the mirror.  Then I unclasped the lock, and slipped it back in it's shadowy home.
It was like if I kept it, we'd find a way to fix things.  We would work it out for the sake of that necklace that meant so much to both of us.  We would never leave that poor necklace hanging in the balance.
I suppose I was a bit delusional.
This time, when I saw it, my heart dropped to the floor and I knew it was silly to keep it.  Silly to hold out hope for us.  Silly.  Silly.  Silly.  So much with us was silly...
White knuckled, clutching that stupid chain, I said goodbye.  To you.  To us.  To everything we were.  To hope.
And when I found the nerve to unclench my fist, that precious chain fell into the trash next to a single tear and all of our memories.

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