Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I look across the glassy water, rippling gently with waves.
Salty sea spray tickles my cheeks and the tip of my nose,  but I hardly feel the intrusion at all.
Across the briny deep, lights twinkle and glint in windows of far off buildings.
It has the effect of gold glitter, hanging, suspended in time and space, continually reflecting light and sparkling across the sky.
A deep gulp of fresh air, tinted with the scent of seaweed and sand and salt fills my lungs, like I'm actually breathing the scene in and I close my eyes.
This is ecstasy.
This is bliss.
Forever scorched by the rays of the beating sun and roughed up by the jagged, minuscule grains of sand.
Tanned and smooth, like a rock weathered down to a polished pebble, constantly altered by the never ending influence of my surroundings.
No music is needed here, for nature provides a cacophonous symphony all it's own.
Gulls screech and waves break and breezes blow, swirling together in a harmony unlike any other.
This is true euphoria.
This is paradise.

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