Sunday, November 30, 2014

Tiny Update

Nothing poetic or artistic or remotely pretty today, sorry.  Just the facts of life.
Well, I haven't been writing as frequently recently, so let me explain.
I participated in NaNoWriMo, which is an organization where you create, write, and finish an entirely original novel during the month of November.  So, November first, you put pen to paper or fingers to keys or whatever your medium is, and you write like crazy to finish a manuscript of 50,000 words or more.  So I did.  I wrote, edited, stressed over, and feel in love with a novel I created called The House of Halleck.  Luckily, by some miracle, I finished it and submitted it five days before the deadline (today). 
Naturally, I poured every ounce of creative juice I had, and some I didn't have, into the book.  Ergo, I ran out of juice when I typed the last word.  About the time I finished the manuscript, I got really sick and I'm still coughing up my lungs.  Fun right?  Not.  So, after pouring my blood, sweat, and tears and every last drop of dedication into my manuscript, and being on over five allergy medications, writing is a bit difficult at the moment.
Hopefully I'll dive back in soon, but for now, I'm just trying to regain my voice (literally and figuratively).

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