Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Sanctuary

I have many sanctuaries. My room, anywhere with a good book, my grandma's house, and the actual sanctuary at my church. Last night and this morning, I spent a lot of time in the sanctuary of my church. It's a place where I feel closer to God, and a peace settles on my soul. It's also a place where some of my closest friends and extended family gather on a weekly basis. It's like a family reunion twice a week. It's great. We have this awesome maroon carpet that I love to pieces and these old maroon pews that have a special spot in my heart, and it's a place I'm so familiar with, that when I bring my friends, its almost awkward to show them around. I know where more cleaning supplies are in the church kitchen than in my own home.
In my eighteen years of existence, I have only ever visited two churches other than my own. One was a mission that we support. I went with some of my church family. The other, was a sister church in Georgia which our youth group attended while on a mission trip in the area. Though I haven't been physically exposed to many other churches, I'm quite happy with my own. I dread going off to university when I finish community college for fear of having to find a new church. My church is so happy. So welcoming. So open. So nice. Every morning, I'm greeted with smiles and hugs and kisses from so many people that have watched me grow up, it's almost overwhelming. They've seen me through some of the roughest and some of the happiest times in my life. I love them dearly. I'm so thankful God has placed me in this place, in this home, in this church, surrounded by these people. It truly is a blessing.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the father, but by me" John 14:6

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