Saturday, September 28, 2013

Don't say it just yet.

I'm a strong believer that the words "I love you" should only be used when they're actually meant. It's such a strong emotion and people tend to throw it around like it means nothing. I tell my friends I love them, I say I love a pair of shoes, but put me in a relationship and the little "L word" will not slip out of my mouth. Don't tell me you love me if you just kind of like me. Don't tell me you love me if you like me a lot. Don't tell me you love me until you actually love me.
Life isn't a Disney movie, as much as I'd like it to be, it isn't. This is life. We don't all get fairy tale endings. Some of us don't end up with the guy of our dreams. The sweet girl doesn't always get the hot popular guy. Love takes knowledge. Love takes time. You may fall into deep infatuation with someone where they're all you ever think about and they make your world spin around and they are all that matters. Throwing in the love word too early can scare someone away. It did me. This amazing boy I dated a long time ago told me he loved me after three days.  3.  I panicked. We didn't last long.
I don't want to hear I love you on the first or second or third date. I want to hear it when you mean it. When you know the good, the bad, the ugly, the stupid, the silly, the thoughtful, and all the other sides I have and still think you'd have me no other way, that's when I want to hear it.

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