Sunday, November 30, 2014

Tiny Update

Nothing poetic or artistic or remotely pretty today, sorry.  Just the facts of life.
Well, I haven't been writing as frequently recently, so let me explain.
I participated in NaNoWriMo, which is an organization where you create, write, and finish an entirely original novel during the month of November.  So, November first, you put pen to paper or fingers to keys or whatever your medium is, and you write like crazy to finish a manuscript of 50,000 words or more.  So I did.  I wrote, edited, stressed over, and feel in love with a novel I created called The House of Halleck.  Luckily, by some miracle, I finished it and submitted it five days before the deadline (today). 
Naturally, I poured every ounce of creative juice I had, and some I didn't have, into the book.  Ergo, I ran out of juice when I typed the last word.  About the time I finished the manuscript, I got really sick and I'm still coughing up my lungs.  Fun right?  Not.  So, after pouring my blood, sweat, and tears and every last drop of dedication into my manuscript, and being on over five allergy medications, writing is a bit difficult at the moment.
Hopefully I'll dive back in soon, but for now, I'm just trying to regain my voice (literally and figuratively).

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


I'm finally free.
I've grieved my loss.  The brokenness of our situation.  The terrible things you did.
I've accepted the change.  Taken it in stride and picked up the pieces.
The first time, you shattered me.  But honestly, this time, I think you helped put me back together. 
When there are no pieces left, when shards are smashed into dust, you can start fresh.
You don't have to make things go back together.  You don't have to cut your hands on the pieces.
And today, for the first time, I feel complete again.
I don't regret you, and I never will, but I don't have any desire to get you back.
Nothing inside me yearns for you anymore.
Nothing begs me to give it another chance.
I'm finally rid of your name, your image, your feelings.
I can finally put you down on the list of people that I used to know.
I can finally move on.
And nothing is going to slow me down again.
In the wake of heartbreak, I found myself.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Aura of Winter

Winter reaches out an icy finger and taps on the window, a spiral of frost forming where he touched the pane of glass.
Frigid air kisses bright green leaves into a poetic kind of brown, crunchy death.
Flakes of change dance upon the swirling, glacial, wind.
Hot cocoa, peppermints, pie and scarves and coats and hats fill the dinning room table.
Families gather round, give thanks, bow their heads in prayer.
A sense of community and cheer blends with the frosty air, creating a kind of joyous intoxication brought on by the simple act of breathing.
Things are glazed in sugar and sweetness and optimism and renewal.
The aura of winter is brilliant.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Warring Sides

There are two sides to me, like to most things.
It is a daily struggle between what I want to feel and what I actually feel. 
I want to be confidant so I fight against my insecurities and self-doubt.
I want to be care free and fun so I fight against my anxiety and the constant knot in my stomach.
I want to be beautiful so I fight to see good qualities when I look in the mirror.
I want to be outgoing so I fight against the nausea that attacks me when someone comes up and says hi.

Some days, I win.  Some days I am confident and care free and beautiful and outgoing.  Some days Im the girl I've always dreamt of being.
But some days, my insides win out.  Some days I am so self conscious, that its hard to even be awake.  Sometimes Im so anxious I make myself physically sick.  Sometimes I cant help but withdraw into myself.

It's hard, to look in the mirror and not know which girl you're going to see.  Its a war that im constantly fighting and it gets in the way of many things.  I only pray that one day, I can win the war.

Empty, Numb and Hollow

Glasses on, covers close, pillows piled high,  my mind wanders to you.
Music blasts through my headphones, the anthem of our past ringing loudly in my ears.
It doesn't hurt this time, since I expected it.
I prayed, hoped, wished, it wouldn't be so, and yet it is.

The fire that used to burn trickles out, doused by realization.
Love turns to hurt, hurt into callous, and soon I feel nothing.
I could touch the flame and never feel the burn.

All my poetic words for you have vanished, gone like a snowflake on the tongue.
Lasting only a moment, sweet and fresh and magical before dissolving into nothing.
Your eyes no longer hold the stars, your name no longer my world.

I'm clean, washed of your traces, of your stain.
Freedom never tasted so dull.
It came with no epiphany, no strength, no power.
Just nothing.
Empty.  Numb.  Hollow.
Like the hole in my chest is no longer filled with you, but with cotton, dry and full of nothing.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Ones That Didn't Get Away

I don't have a "one that got away". 
I don't have someone that I regret leaving, or someone I wish I could go back to. 
There is no one I'd take back in a heartbeat given the chance.  Quite honestly, I applaud myself on that.  I have no regrets.  I look at my past relationships as lessons learned, not as some big mistake I wish I could take back.

I have a trail of "I got away"s. 
People who were bad for me.  People who hurt me.  People who were great, but just didn't fit into my life the right way.  People I can look at now and tell you exactly what they taught me about relationships and what I want and life.

Someone once told me that dating was like cheating on your husband.  I literally laughed in their face.  That might work for some people, but not for me.  I'm a trial and error kind of girl.  I fall so hard so freakin fast that the first guy who asked me out would have to be my husband.  I am so unrealistically picky that there is no way I could know if I wanted to marry someone unless I dated them.
In my eyes, relationships are learning curves.  If I hadn't dated the people I have, I wouldn't know so much about myself.  I wouldn't know that I have a hang up on saying "I love you"  before you mean it.  I wouldn't know that I have to find someone who takes relationships slow.  I wouldn't know that talking about the future early on scares the crap out of me.  I wouldn't know you really can break up with someone and remain friends.  I wouldn't know that when you try and morph a friendship into a relationship before it's ready, it won't last.  I wouldn't know not to settle.

My relationships have taught me so much about myself and about the world that I don't regret a single one.  Not the ones that ended in an ugly, brutal fight or the ones that were a smooth, clean break. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I Always Thought

I always thought being apart from him would be torture.  I thought I needed him in every area of everything.  I thought he was all I wanted.

Well, in a sense, I was right.  I did want him.  More than I wanted anything else before.

But separation has a funny way of giving you a whole new point of view.  I'm finally thinking straight.  I'm finally looking at the situation objectively instead of through tinted glass.

I don't need him.  In fact, he was probably the worst thing for me.  I have a habit of falling way too fast and expecting way too much.  He has a knack for saying the perfecting at the right time and showing up right when I need it.  But you have to be more than a knight in shining armor.  You have to stick around.  You cant just ride up and make me feel like a princess and then drop me back in the dirt to dust of my own dress.

When he was around, my mind way always consumed with him.  Even now, I'm having to cleanse my every thought of him.  He was distracting, overwhelming, too much for my crazy life to keep up with.  I have more important things to keep my focus on, for example, myself.  When he's around, all I want is to be whatever he wants.  I lose myself.  And in a perfect relationship you should find yourself, not completely lose it.

Monday, November 3, 2014


I set out to prove you could be as much of a game to me as I am to you.
But sitting here, butterflies replaced with dust, I regret to inform you that I failed.
I take my feelings for you too seriously to make you a game.
It's a pity I can't just laugh it off, a failed experiment with lessons learned.
I thought I was strong, mysterious, care-free enough to be just like you.
To use and manipulate and play when I had the free time.
Apparently, I actually have a soul and a moral compass.
I cannot so blatantly disregard someone, the way that seems to come naturally to you.
I might have set out to prove it to myself, to the others around me, but I only proved them right.
They didn't believe in my from the start.
It's hard to triumph with no one in your corner.
Congratulations, on ruining me again, what a victory.
How extraordinary, your ability to break things. 
I'm impressed.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Future

I think of you and I think forever.
I think watching the sunset on the beach.
I think wedding rings and engagement bands.
I think white dress and bouquets.
I think finding a house.
I think waking up together.
I think picking out curtains.
I think getting a pet.
I think growing old together.
I think rocking chairs on the front porch.
I think grandkids at Christmas.
I think of you, and I can't help but think of my future.
Because to me, you are my future. 
I want those milestones with you, and only you.