Friday, August 15, 2014

Animal Instincts

It infuriates me that people think sharks attack humans on purpose and think like serial killers. Hello, its a wild animal. When you step into the ocean you are not on the top of the food chain. Its an animal and its acting on instinct. May that be feat or hunger or curiosity, sharks don't go out think "Hmm I think I'll kill some humans and cause some terror today". Stop treating them like criminals. When you take a chance and ho into the wild, you are the trespasser. That isn't your domain. It breaks my heart to hear people blame the animal and think it deserves to be killed.
We have a nasty habit of treating animals like humans. They do not have the same brain patters as us. They are not humans. They are WILD ANIMALS and they cannot be held to the same standards as a human being. We can't profile them the way we profile humans and we cant say that they think the way a serial killer thinks. That is completely absurd. It is insane to hold them responsible and hold them accountable. Animals have no moral compass, they don't know that biting a girls leg could mean losing her life. They function completely and totally on their instincts and they shouldn't be punished for said instincts. We have to start seeing these creatures, and all creatures for that matter, as just that; animals. 

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