Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Warning and A Promise

People underestimate me in practically every area of my life and I am sick of it.
I am not a fragile child who needs coddling or protecting. I am a woman who has seen her fair share of sorrow and grief and misfortune and I am strong because of it.
I am not a game to be played. I am not desperate enough to hang my feeling out to dry in front of a man because I require a man who is strong enough to chase me.
I am not a children's game to be played and laughed at in free time. I am a woman to be respected and if you cross me, a force to be feared.
I used to be the innocent school girl with no malice and no backbone but that girl is gone and good riddance. I cringe to the think of the wavering doormat I used to be.
Now I am solid and strong and a force to be reckoned with. Should you treat me like a game, Ill show you how its played.
It is absurd for you to think you can manipulate me the way you used to and frankly its cowardly. I will not be made a fool of and I will most certainly not be humiliated.
This is a warning and a promise.
Cross me and you will regret it. Play me and I will demolish you. I refuse to be toyed with any longer. Make that mistake, and I will have no reservations about letting my wrath out upon you

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