Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Thing Is...

The thing is, if you asked me if I love you, I'd probably lie.  I'd grit my teeth and look away and force out a "no" and try to change the subject.

The thing is, even if I said yes it wouldn't matter.  There would still be too much swimming in the ocean in between us that we could never overcome.

The thing is, the way you hold my hand makes me dizzy with hope.  The way you put your hand in my hair and rest your head on my shoulder gives me goosebumps.

The thing is, I try to forget the way you say my name and I can't.  The way you hug me and the things you say stick in my head and replay on a loop that makes me miss you until I can't breathe.

The thing is, I know that it will never work.  But that doesn't stop me from wanting it and from wanting you and from hoping you might want me too even though I know you won't.

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