Monday, February 11, 2019


Take me to book stores and let me get lost in the words.  Let me fall back through time into different worlds and countries and places I long to call home. 
Hold my hand when I laugh and hold me tight when I cry and keep your hand on me somehow, someway all of the other days. 
Listen to my stories, because they're endless and they're crazy and they're a part of me, intrinsically. 
Tell me about your day and your life and your feelings because I want to know you better than I know myself. 
Watch movies we've seen a dozen times with me because I love the characters and the action and the story and all of it together makes me feel alive. 
Drive fast with the windows down and let me blare my old songs on your radio and sing at the top of my lungs and put my head on your shoulder while you show my your songs too. 
Dance with me in the kitchen at 2 am and in the afternoon and to the music in commercials and anytime we want just because we feel like it. 
Know that when I feel too much, which happens often, it'll spill over and tears will wet my cheeks but it's not your job to prevent that.  Let it happen and don't be afraid of it, just stay beside me as I dry them up. 
Know that late at night, the mood and the night sky are crushingly heavy and sometimes I might need you to tell me you love me even though I should know that already. 
Know that my heart will be all yours, all in, from the moment you reach out your hand and that it's been shattered a dozen times before. 
Know that when I tell you I love you, it's not out of habit or convenience, but because I mean it down to my toes and you are my world and I need to say the words out loud to make sure you know the truth

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