Tuesday, February 5, 2019


I am all feeling and he is all thought. 

I am the pastel colors that bleed together and fade at the edges.  He is the dark, straight lines that show the picture.  Together, we could make something beautiful, and the thought is terrifying and I think I want it. 

I am all heart and he is all head and together, maybe we could finally have both. 

I am the emotions that slam down the gas pedal and he is the logic that presses the break and steers the car.  Together, we could go anywhere-be anything. 

You would be hard pressed to find two people who are more different than the two of us. 

I am exploding laughter and violent sobbing and more words than you could count spilling from my lips.  He is quiet thoughtfulness and steady plans and gentle joking.  And I am afraid to be too much for him.  But his heart is bigger than anyone I know, maybe even mine, and I think sometimes there might be room for me in there too. 

I am conspiracy theories and belief in wild things and he his fact and truth and together, we could be unstoppable. 

I am the branches of a tree, swaying in the wind and growing ever outward.  He is all roots and depth and strength.  Together, we could live forever. 

And as different as we are, the similarities scare me more.  The faith we share.  Love for family, adoration of friends.  The lack of spontaneous impulse and the finality in all of our decisions. 

I have spent my life chasing whims because permanence is a scary word and when I look at him, I see forever.  He is the jovial youth and the steady life and the white picket fence and the rocking chair on the porch.  He is love and constant reassurance and I need it all and it scares me half to death. 

I've spent my whole life running, floating on the wind like a wish and somehow I ran straight into him and he's everything I ever dreamed of and the truth of it, the reality of how good he is for me, makes my hands shake and my words come out twisted. 

He is all angles and facts and straight lines and I am vines and feelings and colors and I am shaking in my boots thinking I might have found forever.

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