Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sorrow Is [built from prompt]

Sorrow is the texture of sandpaper, constantly shredding and filing and grating on your skin, rubbing you raw until the pain in unbearable.

It sounds like rain, tapping on your window, relentless, just enough to make your head pound and your chest ache for freedom.

Looks like tumultuous water, you see the hints of motion from a distance, but once inside, you’re trapped, forever doomed to toss and turn and drown.

Tastes like ash.  Dusty and stale and dry and nauseating, turning everything grey and wasted.

And it smells of poison, a dark, pulsating mass of deadly force, inching ever closer, making your nose and throat burn and stinging your eyes.

Sorrow is not for the faint of heart.  Sorrow is not for the weak.  Sorrow is internal warfare of the heart and mind and none of its soldiers come back the same. 

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