Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Aching Soul

There are few things in this world that tug at my soul.
There are moments, for me at least, where want becomes need.
My pulse quickens, my heart constricts, and in that moment, I am nearly in tears because my life is devoid of whatever it is that I'm looking for.
When I was sixteen, it was a boy.
Now, at almost twenty one, it has become destination.
There is an inexplicable need to travel inside of me.
My bones ache for new soil and my very soul yearns for the experience.
I think those are the feelings we need to follow.
The ones so strong that they bring us to our knees.
The ones that take up every inch of our mind, unraveling us until we are nothing but unquenchable curiosity.
Because in the grand scheme of things, how many moments like that are we going to have?
When something grips you in your very essence, it's not something to ignore.

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