Friday, January 22, 2016

Army of Darkness

She had always held the illusion that she was a princess.  The embodiment of love and light and sweetness. But one day, she fell for a villain.  Dark and dastardly and toxic.  And that was the beginning of the end of her delusions.
Once she fell and stained her snowy reputation, it was just a matter of time.  The years went by and the darkness accumulated in her heart.  Sometimes she couldn't control the violent outbursts.  Try as she might, she couldn't pretend forever to be that immaculate, glittering princess of perfection she'd hoped to be for so long.
She fought for light.  She fought for love.  But it never mattered much what she was fighting for.  The forces of the world were much too strong.  So she gave in to the poison screaming through her veins.  Before long, she was more powerful, more irresistible than she could have ever hoped to be.
She took control of the growing grains of hurt and formed an army.  An army of her past regrets and demons and heartaches alike.
And once she commanded the forces of darkness at will, she could banish them for days at a time.
She could never be rid of them for good, but it gave her the control she needed.
She could be the princess she had always hoped with the power of the villain who had stolen her heart.
With an army of darkness, she built her castle and her future out of beams of light and stones of sadness and no one could slow her down.

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