Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Aching Soul

There are few things in this world that tug at my soul.
There are moments, for me at least, where want becomes need.
My pulse quickens, my heart constricts, and in that moment, I am nearly in tears because my life is devoid of whatever it is that I'm looking for.
When I was sixteen, it was a boy.
Now, at almost twenty one, it has become destination.
There is an inexplicable need to travel inside of me.
My bones ache for new soil and my very soul yearns for the experience.
I think those are the feelings we need to follow.
The ones so strong that they bring us to our knees.
The ones that take up every inch of our mind, unraveling us until we are nothing but unquenchable curiosity.
Because in the grand scheme of things, how many moments like that are we going to have?
When something grips you in your very essence, it's not something to ignore.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

His Alone

And just like that she was in love again.

He was her heart and soul.

Everything good and bad, she wanted it all.

She wanted his demons and his problems.  His angels and his songs.

She wanted every twisted, jagged edge that made him who he was.

And though she could find replicas, they were but empty shells compared to him.

They were breezes compared to his storm.

He breathed life into her very bones by simply existing.

And before he even knew it, she was his alone.

Chest of Novocain

Maybe if I fill my chest with Novocain this ache will go away.
"They didn't even fight for me."  I think as I stifle another sob.  The deep red sunset mirrors the drop of blood forming on my lip where my teeth hold on tight, fighting to keep the sound inside.

Nothing matters as long as they can't hear me.  They can't know I'm drowning in tears and shattered memories.

It was one second.  The one second I've been dreading since they let go.  Since I cut the cord.  I saw them all together, smiling, happy, going about their lives as though we didn't just fall apart.  I could've handled that.  I suppose.

But I didn't count on the comic book store to slam my heart against my rib cage like it was trying to escape.  That was too much.  Too much emptiness.  Too much missing them.  Too much of my past reminding me how little I have in my present.

They didn't fight.  They let me walk away.  They didn't bat an eye at my accusations.  They acted like our falling apart wasn't going to shatter them the way it shattered me.

I would've fought for them, had the circumstances been reversed.  I would've agreed to any terms.  But they didn't even give me a chance.  They didn't fight for us.  For me.  For themselves.

Don't I deserve to be fought for?
Am I not enough on my own?
Am I that replaceable?
Am I so insignificant that I could disappear tomorrow and no one would notice my absence?

They didn't fight back.  Like everyone before them, they told me they loved me and then they left.  Because love is just a word.  And words are just pretty lies, no matter how you fashion them.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

You Were Never Toxic

When you get your heart broken, it can make things seem dismal.  You start to think you imagined it all.  All the sweet words, the moments, the looks.  A broken heart tends to tint the world in darkness.

When I was fifteen I fell for someone that I probably would've been better off without.  And I blamed him for breaking my heart for a long time.  Until last night actually.  I spent six years hating him and yet not being able to give him up.  But last night, I found an old journal from high school.  I started reading and my silly little commentary on life brought a smile to my face.  When I realized just how far back it went, I started wondering what I had written about him.  And I finally found the many pages devoted to the confusion he caused my heart.

I didn't imagine things between us.  For however briefly, we did have something more than a friendship.  I could finally remember the butterflies when I saw him, the sweet torturous joy when he found me backstage and I gave him something I had made.

Suddenly, this person, these memories, all of these moments that used to bring tears to my eyes made me laugh.  I never thought I'd live to see the day when I looked back on him and smiled.  But the truth is, I had so much distance from where we began, that I couldn't see things right.  It took my sixteen year old account of every encounter we'd ever had to remind me how much I loved him.  My friends thought he was the worst thing for me.  Toxic.  Poison.  Danger.  But he wasn't.  They were jealous, and fake, and clueless.  He was everything I ever needed.  He was a lesson in so many things.  And if he hadn't been the first to break my heart, someone else would have.  It had to come eventually, and I'm glad it was him and not someone else.

I've spent pretty much every moment since I met him wondering how I was so lucky and also how life could be so unfair.  But the truth is, he didn't break my heart.  Sure, I wish he had stuck around.  I wish he hadn't gotten engaged.  Twice.  I wish we had had a shot at a real relationship and not this weird stuck in the middle thing we've got now.  But it way my expectation that crushed me.  It was idolizing an idea of him and not accepting who he really was that hurt me.  It was my series of many mistakes that broke my heart.  He was just being a nice guy and indulging a silly sophomore that thought the world of him.  In all honesty, I owe him more gratitude for showing me kindness than anything else.

I don't know if he's one of the few that sees these things.  I'm not sure I want to know.  But last night, I learned a valuable lesson.  Nothing is all bad.  There might be pain in the middle, but you can't forget the moments that gave you inexhaustible joy.  Because if you dwell on all the hurt, every other situation in life becomes tainted.  And nothing is worse than good memories that have been twisted and tainted by time.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Army of Darkness

She had always held the illusion that she was a princess.  The embodiment of love and light and sweetness. But one day, she fell for a villain.  Dark and dastardly and toxic.  And that was the beginning of the end of her delusions.
Once she fell and stained her snowy reputation, it was just a matter of time.  The years went by and the darkness accumulated in her heart.  Sometimes she couldn't control the violent outbursts.  Try as she might, she couldn't pretend forever to be that immaculate, glittering princess of perfection she'd hoped to be for so long.
She fought for light.  She fought for love.  But it never mattered much what she was fighting for.  The forces of the world were much too strong.  So she gave in to the poison screaming through her veins.  Before long, she was more powerful, more irresistible than she could have ever hoped to be.
She took control of the growing grains of hurt and formed an army.  An army of her past regrets and demons and heartaches alike.
And once she commanded the forces of darkness at will, she could banish them for days at a time.
She could never be rid of them for good, but it gave her the control she needed.
She could be the princess she had always hoped with the power of the villain who had stolen her heart.
With an army of darkness, she built her castle and her future out of beams of light and stones of sadness and no one could slow her down.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

No More Fire

My life has a tendency to fall apart.  I'm not great at keeping things together.  But every time it falls, I find some fire, some resolve to prove that the world can't keep me down.

This time though, the fire is gone.  Life has stamped out the embers until they were just ash on the ground.  I look for resolve in everything around me.  People.  Music.  Books.  Characters.  But nothing seems to stick.  I don't know where the fire went.  Or how to bring it back.

I used to be able to fight.  I was a warrior.  I was strong.
But the weight of the tears in my pillow is finally too much.  And it's all I can do not to freeze to death in this desolate wasteland.  No fire means no fight.  And without my fight, what am I really?  Just a girl with a broken heart and no one to help me back up.

Monday, January 4, 2016


You fall in love.  You fall out of it.  You go through all the steps.  Grief, anger, denial, acceptance.  And just when you start breathing freely again, the past rounds a corner and slams into your chest, leaving you with shaking hands and cloudy eyes and shallow breathing and icy blood.

Just when you think it's been put to sleep for the last time, your heartbreak wakes up again.  It catches your eye and caresses your cheek and makes you question every thought in your head.

When you've stacked the pieces of  your heart right and you turn to walk away, it catches you by the ankle and your progress spills out on the ground.

You think you've got it figured out and then it falls apart again.  Your future shines on the horizon, but how can you walk away from so many untied ends?  And just like that, you're fighting back your past one last time, trying to salvage your future.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sorrow Is [built from prompt]

Sorrow is the texture of sandpaper, constantly shredding and filing and grating on your skin, rubbing you raw until the pain in unbearable.

It sounds like rain, tapping on your window, relentless, just enough to make your head pound and your chest ache for freedom.

Looks like tumultuous water, you see the hints of motion from a distance, but once inside, you’re trapped, forever doomed to toss and turn and drown.

Tastes like ash.  Dusty and stale and dry and nauseating, turning everything grey and wasted.

And it smells of poison, a dark, pulsating mass of deadly force, inching ever closer, making your nose and throat burn and stinging your eyes.

Sorrow is not for the faint of heart.  Sorrow is not for the weak.  Sorrow is internal warfare of the heart and mind and none of its soldiers come back the same. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Year of Opportunity

Welcome to 2016.

The past year has been filled with highs and lows.  I honestly can't tell you how many times I felt like my heart would burst with happiness, or with sorrow.  Several points in the past year have made me realize that I give people way too many chances.  I never want to be hard-hearted or mean, but I do deserve a certain level of respect from my peers and I intend to receive that respect. 
 I lost sight of my worth in 2015.  I let my past drag me down.  So I'm going into this year with no real friends, but I'm fine with that.  I let go of all the dead weight from 2015, and I'm going into 2016 light as air.  I don't need anyone who doesn't need me, and I certainly won't settle for anything less than what I deserve.
My word for the new year is Opportunity.  I'm going to find them and take them as they come, and hopefully, open up a whole new world of possibilities for myself.  Who knows what this year will bring?  I don't.  But I have hope for the best, and I know regardless of the outcome, if I keep my eyes on Christ, I'll turn out just fine.