Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Bit of Laughter

I think I cry more than anyone I know.  My emotions are all liquid.  Happy, sad, scared, stressed, surprised, it doesn't matter, I cry.
Ironically, I have no idea how to handle it when other people cry.
But last night I learned that the old saying "laughter is the best medicine" is beyond true.

A smile, a giggle, a hint of a grin.  All for a moment, chase away the shadows of pain.  Weather heartbreak or loss or depression are tormenting you, just a hint of a smidgen of a smile helps ease the hurt.  I don't know what it is about laughter, good, old fashioned, head back, cackling, laughter, but it heals the soul.  It's more than a bandage, it's a stitch for the deep seated scars the world can leave on our soul.
Everyone says it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, so isn't that God's way of showing us we're meant to live joyfully?  Sure we go through tumult and toil and problems, but it all works together for the glory of God.  Maybe your pain will teach you a lesson.  Or teach you something about yourself.  Or awaken a realization that spurs you into the best days of your life.  Or maybe, for you it sucks, but it becomes a lesson for someone else.  Regardless of the circumstance, remember that life is meant for smiling, even when it hurts.  And maybe all you need is a bit of laughter to ease the hurt.

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