Friday, June 6, 2014


Life isolated and alone is not life. No matter how many trials you've been thrown, your soul will always desire companionship. We are social beings created to converse and live with and amongst other beings. No matter how bitter you are or how much you claim to hate people, a life of isolation will not satisfy you. I realized this today. I constantly write about finding love and friends and people and I am one of the most bitter, people hating people you'll ever meet. And yet in the core of my being, I crave interaction. We were created, yes created (but that's a different argument), to be with one another. People get pets for the accompaniment. People marry for love and life together. Social interaction is crucial. I promised myself today that since I have realized this, I will try and be more open to others. I have dispositioned myself to scoff at going to lunch with people and going for coffee. I have dispositioned myself against other people because so many people have failed me. Today I realized that I can't assume everyone will fail. I have to give everyone their own chance. I have to be open to their attempts and forgiving in their failures because we are all human and all destined to fail. We cannot condition ourselves to be cynics. We cannot push everyone away because of the actions of those that came before them.

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