Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Fleeting Condtradictions

Contradictions can be beautiful, but rarely can they last.
Morning and night struggle in the sky, fighting in such a breath taking way that it hardly seems a fight at all. 
In the moment, all the colors twirl and dance to create a masterpiece by natures own hand.
But once and for all, either morning or night must give in to the other and fail.
Seconds, minutes of beauty are they worth the inevitable losing of one side?
If you asked me a week ago, I'd say absolutely.
And now, I'd say no.
Because in a sunset, in a sunrise, no one gets hurt.
But in matters of the heart, when light tries to bond to dark, one must overcome the other.
The two cannot coexist, they cannot inhabit the same space.
Dark will suffocate the light, and Light will overpower the dark.
Suffocation, overpowering, neither are enjoyable. 
Someone has to hurt in the end.
So those brief moments of beauty, those seconds of bliss, they don't make up for the heartbreak.
They don't outweigh the pain.
I was in a state of rose-colored-glass delusion.
I thought we could live as one and the same.
But living with you was like the sun trying to be out at night.
It was impossible.
It changed the entire meaning of us.
And while I look back with a heavy heart at our brief period of beautiful contradiction, I will never go back.

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