Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Crash Of Waves

He had a way of turning up at the most inopportune moments. Just when she had her life back on track he would pop up and her world would implode.
It was as though he had a sensor and when her life read "peaceful" he would arrive to create chaos again. She had changed her mind. She was moving on. She was happy.
And then he came waltzing back in with his wickedly sweet smile and his charm. He set her spinning like a top. His presence drowning her in confusion, unaware of the distinction between reality and imagination. She never knew how to interpret his quiet comments. His gestures toward her. His kind accolades.
It was as though once her heart was rid of all but one sliver of him, he grew rapidly, like a fire, consuming her once again. The constant upending of emotion was torturous. Like being burned and pushed in icy cold water one after another, over and over in a deadly cycle. Like being pulled far into the ocean and constantly battered by crushing waves. She could catch her breath for only a moment before being sucked under again.
He was her torture. 
He was her wave.

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