Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Problem With Time

The problem with time is that it never slows down and waits for us to catch up. Once something happens, we have to move in sync with time and learn to deal as we move. These past eight months have held some of the biggest changes of my life and in moving on, I'm also learning how to cope.
In MAY I turned the big 18. I'm now legally an adult.
By JUNE I was officially a high school graduate.
At the end of JULY I was an international traveler.
Come AUGUST I began my career as a college student.
SEPTEMBER. A moth of loss, grief, silent tears, body wracking sobs, and confusion.
By OCTOBER I was lost as a bat trying to find my way. I also became a licensed driver. Finally.
Enter NOVEMBER and the first Thanksgiving without her. I also became the proud owner of a 1999 Red Chevy Silverado.
Now, as I sit in DECEMBER, I've endured my hardest Christmas yet.
As I look toward the coming moths I know changes will come and nothing will ever be quite the same again. Its a frightening thought really. But it's also inevitable. I guess in the end all we can do it hold on tight and hope that for one solitary, impossible, magical moment, time slows down just enough to let us catch up.

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