Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's twisted.

Why are the relationship standards also different for men and women? Why aren't we held to the same expectations? Why is it that if a girl sleeps around she's a variety of vulgar names but a guy that sleeps around is treated like a king? Why is it that when a girl cheats shes considered "easy" but a guy who cheats is just a player? Why is a woman weak to take back a man who wronged her but a man who takes a woman back is a saint? Why are the roles so opposite? Is there anything a guy can do to be looked down upon? The only thing I can think of is that when a man is faithful and loyal to a woman he's suddenly "whipped" and it's not considered a good thing. Like wise, is there anything women can do to be seen in a good light? If she's faithful to get man or decides to save herself for marriage she's suddenly a prude. How is it that the things we should be disgusted by and shocked by have become the things we congratulate? How is it that faithfulness is now a sign or weakness or timidity? I believe any weak person can go and sleep around, noncommittal and not invested but it takes a strong person to stay faithful to one other person through the good and the bad. I believe it takes strength to declare and stick to the decision to stay pure until marriage in a world where openness and sexuality is becoming more of a hobby than a special thing. I believe it takes strength to walk away from someone who hurt you and keep the best interest of your feelings in mind even though you love that person and would give anything to be with them. I believe the world we're growing up in is a drastically different place than it should be. We are constantly taught to stand up for what we believe and to be who we are and as soon as we do, we're shot down with insults and degrading remarks. A touchy example: The battle over same sex marriage is on fire in our country right now and it's kind of hypocritical. We tell people "love is love, be who you are" but when someone stands up for their beliefs and says "well I'm straight and that's the way I want to be" they get shot down with labels likes "close minded" and "bigot". How is it fair? We're just standing up for who we are like we've been taught and the world tells us who we are is wrong. The world says "be who you want. Do what makes you happy" but when I tell people I want to be a writer all I get is critics. I get the face like they've suddenly detected rotten fish. It's a "silly" profession I'm told. And people constantly offer me ideas on what I should do "to make a living". Listen up, I know it's and impossibly tough field. I know it's unstable. But it's MY CHOICE it's who I AM. that's what you've wanted all along right? We'll here it is. And you don't like it.
It's tough to figure things out in such a backward society that prides itself on being open yet only ever shuts people down. We should all be free to express our feelings regardless of who it offends. Feelings aren't meant to moderate or ease the tension or sugar coat or protect. Feelings are meant to be FELT regardless of how "politically incorrect" those feeling might be.

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