Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Projects and prospects

So ive been doing a group speech project in my speech class these past few weeks and ive learned a few things. For one, the age old addage "dont judge a book by its cover" couldnt be more true. I went in with pre conceived notions about everyone in my group, and almost all of them were proved wrong. I made friends in people I was slightly wary of being around and I love spending time with them. I've always had a problem with judging people. I try not to, but my mind always picks them apart and creates this idea of who they should be and who they look like. I find it hard to believe I'm the only teenager with this problem. I think that's the problem for most people. We can't look past the outside and look into who the person really is. We take things at face value that we should be really taking time to figure out. We see the hardened exterior or the extra large jacket and create words like "witch" and "fatty". But what do we really know about them? Maybe that witch in your class has been abused. Or cursed out. Of heart broken. Or damaged. And maybe that chunky girl in the corner who won't talk to anyone has a medical condition. Maybe she starves herself every day in hopes that it will help. Maybe we should just stop judging everyone. Maybe we should take the time to get to know one another before we decide weather we like one another or not. We are human beings, with souls and hearts and feelings and emotions and we deserve to be treated as such. Everyone deserves to be treated as such.

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