Thursday, August 8, 2019

Just Gone, Not Forgotten

When he said my name, it felt like a promise.
And when he smiled at me, it felt like being set on fire.
Those feelings are a memory now.

I miss his voice some days.
When it feels like I'm forgetting him and the edges of his face are blurred by time.
When our moments feel faded, as if they were captured in on film but the photo was left in the sun too long.

That boy, lost in a sea of faces but remembered.
In the memory of the laughter that rumbled through his chest and then through my own.
In the moments when the sun paints the ocean the color of his eyes.
In the moments when memories roll out like tapestries on the back of closed eyes and feelings flit across the skin like whispers.

I was a girl then.  
I was fragile and naïve.
I saw the world through rose colored lenses.

I miss that girl some times.
When the world is grey and the weight of living seems too much.
When I spend days in silence and the word "hope" feels foreign and vague.

That girl, gone and forgotten but in still paid tribute to.
In the songs on the radio.
In the tear stained pillowcases.
In the moments when memories roll out like tapestries on the back of closed eyes and I drown in the feelings that seem so far way.

There are days where I look in someone's face and half expect to find him there, a smile on his lips and a joke rolling from his tongue.

There are days where I look in the mirror and see the girl reflected back at me with the shadow of a warrior keeping her in the shade.

Both of us are gone.
But the moments of us will stay forever; etched into our ribs by our beating hearts and seared into memory by the sparks that flew between us.
Both of us are gone.
But we remain forever.
Never forgotten.

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