Thursday, November 19, 2015

Searching for Alignment

We have the misconception that we enter this world whole and leave it broken.  
I think it is, in fact, the other way around.  
From the moment you are born, you are empty.  
No knowledge, no relationships, no independence, no freedom.  
As you grow and learn, you become filled.  
Every relationship your build, fills you more.  
Even when they end, they don't break you completely, they just break off a portion.  
Eventually, someone will come along who has a broken edge that aligns with yours.  
They may fit for a season, and then the ground may crack and shift and in a second, someone who once completed you, in no way fits your edges anymore.  
We search all our lives, not for someone who can put us back together, but for someone who's brokenness aligns with our own in such a way that we feel more whole than we ever could without them. 

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