Monday, March 16, 2015

Dandelions and Stars

I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.
How breath-taking you are when you smile.
How earth-shattering the sound of your laugh is.
How nerve-wracking your gaze is.

I wish you could see me the way I see you.
As a ray of hope.
As a future.
As a promise that better things are yet to come.

I wish I could be blatantly honest with you,
and tell you how amazing you are.
Tell you how your name sets off butterflies in my stomach.
Tell you how I dream of a life of you and me.

I wish I had met you six years ago.
I wish I hadn't skipped that first semester.
I wish you had walked into my life earlier.
I wish I had more time to spend with you.

But I suppose blowing on dandelions and wishing on stars will have to do for now, and when I see you again, maybe things will be different.  And maybe I'll get to do a little more thanking and a little less wishing.

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