Monday, March 31, 2014

Choking Her Resolve

Embarrassment flushes her face red as she tumbles face first into the dirt. Of all the days to trip over her own feet, the first day at a new private school was probably the worst. A shadow falls over her and she glances up. Her heart beast erratically in her chest as she eyes him suspiciously. Something about they way his hair falls flawlessly over his twinkling green eyes and the way his impeccable, prefect smile crinkles the edges of his nose in an unruly, mischievously handsome way makes her nervous. She has conditioned herself to hate people like him. People that fate has blessed with allure and charm and popularity while it left people like her by the wayside to fend fro themselves. Every ounce of her being raises alarm to be on guard. He will mean only harm, nothing good will come from that perfectly tan skin or that casually ruffled mess of light brown hair. Not one good thing. As she stares at him incredulously, his audacious, handsome smile falters. Hurt flashes in his eyes as he recognizes her distrust. A pang of guilt slashes through her heart and she takes a deep shuddering breath. She tries to rationalize as she reaches for his outstretched hand. She'll accept his help this time. A one time thing. Never again. But as the sparks dance a cross her skin as he pulls her to her feet, doubt threatens to choke her resolve.

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