Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Dragon and The Smoke

I am used to the monster that lives curled in my chest.  She claws at my throat when I try to speak.  She wraps her tail around my lungs and squeezes until I cannot breathe.  She constricts and screams and cuts.  She is a dragon, furious and dangerous and she lives inside of me and she has for as long as I can remember.  They call her different names: Stress.  Fear.  Worry.  Their names are too soft, too trivial, too weak.  I know the true nature of the beast and I call her something else.  I call her Anxiety.  I call her evil.  Demon.  Monster.  Pain.  No matter what I call her, she curls up beneath my sternum and she feeds.  She feeds on every skipped heartbeat, every uncomfortable silence, every unkind word that comes to my ear.  She feeds on the toxic sludge that has been poured over me time and time again.  She is strong.  She crushes bones, she swallows common sense, she ignites the air until all that is left for my lungs is fire and toxic smoke.  I have lived with the monster in my chest for so long, I no longer try to rip her from her home between my ribs.  She tears at my flesh and makes every moment feel like I am bleeding.  I live with a dragon in my chest.

There is a new monster now, that puts the dragon to sleep.  There is a new monster that is stronger, more dangerous, more evil than Anxiety could ever be.  He is dark-made of smog and gas and something intangible.  He settles into the joints of my limbs and slips into my tear ducts until they ache and itch and sting.  He is not loud like the dragon.  He is soft, persistent, inescapable.  He is stronger than the dragon, stronger than me.  They call him sadness.  Grief.  Loneliness.  They do not know the depths of his empty eyes.  I have seen into the abyss and I call him Depression.  He is not my friend, he does not want good for me, he does not want me to survive.  This new monster puffed in the face of the dragon and she fell asleep, too tired to fight-to claw-to climb.  She sits like a rock in my chest while the new monster grabs me by the throat and whispers horrors in my mind.  He binds my hands and lays me down and tells me not to get back up.  He tells me not to eat and not to try and not to care.  He tells me life is not worth living and I listen.  He is so convincing.  When I try to argue, he puts his heel on my windpipe until the edges of my vision fade to black.  Sleep is so much easier than fighting.  He makes every moment feel like I am coming apart at the seam where my soul meets my mind and darkness becomes a familiar escape.  I live with smoke in my head.

They like to fight, the monsters inside of me; the dragon and the smoke.  When the dragon wins, my senses are on overload.  I see danger in every corner and resting for even a second might mean death.  When the smoke wins, I am dead on my feet.  I cannot see straight, and breathing is exhausting.  The monsters inside of me; the dragon and the smoke, they like to dance.  They work together to wear me down.  The dragon fans the flames and spins me faster, faster, like a top until I launch into the sky.  She relishes my scream, my panic as I fly, my inability to stop, my lack of control.  The smoke overtakes me and stops me instantly and I fall like a stone back to earth.  He relishes my impact, my blackout, the ache of my breathing that feels like too much work.

I wonder, how long can one human be tossed between monsters before the body fails and the lungs give out?  I wonder, how long can I last in the clutches of these evil things inside of me?  I wonder what will win; the dragon or the smoke?

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Forbidden Daydream

I tend to live in extremes.  I love hard, with all of my hope and my heart and my head.  When I get hurt, the wound is deep and it takes years for the scars to start to form.  Even after something has scabbed over, all it takes is the slightest touch to tear me open again.  When someone loses my trust, I turn my back and run as far in the opposite direction as I can.  And when I get away, I take a few breaths and then I run a little farther just for good measure.  When someone brings me joy, I set them on a pedestal and I crown them victor and they get a golden badge engraved with kind sentiments and I throw all of my love into them at full force.

It's hard to live like that.  It's hard to make your way in a world that is so angry and apathetic and aggressive when every slight feels like a sword to the side.  It's hard to keep your eyes open when everything is so bright that your eyes sting and smoke rolls in so fast that it makes you blind and chokes you in a second.

There was one ledge I never allowed myself to fall over.  I built a wall at the edge of the cliff, three layers deep and tied a rope around my waist and anchored it to the thickest tree stump I could find.  I sat with my eyes on the sky and tried to keep my attention away from the one place I knew I couldn't go.  I let the world distract me and keep my mind busy.  

But years of boredom and abandonment wore the rope around me thin and a few months ago, the last tired thread snapped.  There was a freedom that I never knew I wanted and all the sudden all I could see was the wall in front of me.  I stepped across the space and I stepped up to the wall and I pushed.  And he said all the right things and the wall started to crumble.  It only took a few minutes for the wall to turn to dust and I walked right through the wreckage and stared down into the abyss that I tried to save myself from for so long.  Because loving him is a disaster in the making.  Because falling for him will never turn out right.  Because he's the best thing I've ever known and it's bound to break me.

In the ravine at the bottom of the fall was his smile and the way his laughter always sounded like it was surprised out of him.  In the ravine was the one person I said I'd never fall for.  And then I stepped over the cliff with my arms stretched out wide and let the world go as I fell.

Maybe it was all the years between us that made it feel safer.  Maybe it was all the miles that built up between us.  Maybe it was the kind words that caught my attention and pulled me in.  I don't know.  All I know is that I stepped over the cliff and I crashed into the river at the bottom and I didn't even feel the impact.  And the daydream I never let myself slip into swallowed me whole.

Now all my bones are broken and I don't feel it.  Now all the blood is rushing from my hands and my arms and my heart and the water around me is red and all I can see is the sundrenched sky color of his eyes.  Now all I can hear is his voice, even though I almost don't remember what it sounds like anymore.  Now, I've broken the last rule and I'm floating in a daydream that isn't real and it's the only thing keeping me going sometimes.  Now, it's the only thing comforting all the pain and easing me to sleep when the nights are long and cold and dark.  And it's not even real.  But it helps me forget everything else, and that's all I really want anyway.